PvE Leaderboard
Last updated
Last updated
Players will be ranked on the global weekly PvE leaderboard determined by the amount of Experience Points accumulated.
The PvE leaderboard is weekly and stats/points reset every 14 days.
Rank 1-25 == 1 PREMIUM Town Hall Ticket + 1 Strategist Chest
Rank 26-50 == 1 PREMIUM Stone Mine Ticket
Rank 51-100 == 1 Premium Lumberjack Ticket
The Premium Tickets are tickets that will be used to join a lottery for an OG Building Other incentives include being whitelisted for new NFTs, having access to a private Discord where players can discuss with others and game experts, and more. (The rewards of the Leaderboard can and will change in the future) The Strategist Chest can contain:
Upgrade Stone
Efficient Upgrade Stone I
Efficient Upgrade Stone II
Engineer's Chest