Ancient Land Royalties & Givebacks
Owning an Ancient Land in Ancient Society comes with many incentives!
By owning an Ancient Land, other revenue incentives await, including:
Fees ($ANCIEN) collected from town owners residing on lands, including rental fees, resource collection fees, and more
Special Merchant available only to the Cities created on a Land.
The fees are calculated on the extra production the Towns produce thanks to the Land. For example: I own a Legendary Forest Land and set a fee to 50% Someone else set their town on my Land and receive a 10% Bonus on the production of their wood. If their Lumberjack produces 100 Wood/Day, he will receive 10 more wood per day and will pay 50% fee on the extra 10 wood. Resulting on a net of 5 Wood for the Town Owner and 5 Wood for the Land Owner.
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